Student life at Lord Shrikrishna English School goes beyond the realms of the classroom. School strongly supports and affords multifarious opportunities for student learning beyond academics. We encourage student involvement in all spheres of life so as to build leadership qualities in them, to inculcate in them a passion for sports and fitness, to develop in them a true spirit for community service, and to enhance their creative expression so as to help them reach their highest potential as productive, positive and progressive human beings. At Lord Shrikrishna English School we recognize that each student has their own unique talents and interests. We strive to provide a wide range of extracurricular activities to ensure that every student can find their niche and pursue their passions. Our sports program offer a variety of options, including basketball, football, cricket, volleyball, and badminton. Our community service initiatives give students the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world around them through partnerships with local organizations.